Monday 17 November 2008

The Battle of Hydaspes

This Battle was fought between Alexander the Great's army, and India, back in 326 B.C. This battle was also known as Jhelum battle, because it was fought near the Jhelum River in India, or modern day Pakistan. Here is a link to my map, if you would like to see where the battle took place. This battle is important because, Alexander the Great's army decided not to go into India, because they were tired, and this was the first time they had to fight elephants since the battle of Guagamela. However they did win this battle, but at the end they decided to force Alexander to take them back home, to Greece. This was Alexander's last significant battle.
The picture below shows what had happened in the battle of Hydaspes, as you can see, there are a lot of elephants in there with soldiers running away and trying to defend themselves. Those elephants were military elephants for the Indian army.

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